• Natural Gas News

    China's Central Asia Imports Rose This Winter


China's imports of gas via Central Asia-China pipeline in winter season has risen.

by: Shardul Sharma

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Asia/Oceania, Security of Supply, Infrastructure, , Central Asian Gas Pipeline (CAGP) , News By Country, China

China's Central Asia Imports Rose This Winter

China imported a total of 13.6bn m3 of natural gas during the winter season that started November 2017 until the end of February 2018 via Central Asia-China pipeline, up almost 14% year on year, CNPC said March 14.

If gas imports from Myanmar, through the Myanmar-China pipeline, are included then total gas imports were 16.1bn m3 during the winter season. Pipeline gas imports contributed about 36% to CNPC’s total gas sales, it added.

China’s winter gas demand has been very strong due to below freezing temperatures and due to government’s push for natural gas instead of coal in households and industries.

China’s natural gas imports (LNG and pipeline equivalent) in 2017 totalled 68.57mn mt, up 27% year on year.