• Natural Gas News

    Voice of Russia: Where will the “war of pipelines” lead?



Until recently, Turkey has dreamed of dominating at the European gas market. It was hoping to fill its coffers by transporting gas from Iran, Iraq and Azerbaijan to Europe. But now that the implementation of the “NABUCCO” project has been postponed, this dream has little chance of coming true.

by: Trans-Anatolian pipeline could make nabucco pipeline project almost redundant.

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Press Notes

Voice of Russia: Where will the “war of pipelines” lead?

It looks like towards the end of the year, a number of countries have, for some reason, rushed to sign gas contracts with one another.

Russia received Turkey’s approval for its ambitious project to build the “South Stream” pipeline.

Turkey and Azerbaijan also signed an agreement to jointly build the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline, which will form part of the so-called “South gas corridor”. The other parts are the much-discussed “NABUCCO” and the less known ITGI (which stands for “Interconnector Turkey-Greece-Italy”).

According to experts’ assessments, the implementation of the Turkish-Azeri joint project will cost $ 5 bln. The new pipeline’s capacity will amount to 35 bln cubic meters per year.  MORE