Venice SSLNG Terminal Wins Govt Approval
Italian Decal has received ministerial approval for its LNG storage terminal in Porto Marghera, Venice, it said January 15. With a capacity of 32,000 m3 LNG the storage terminal will be built in a brownfield area alongside an industrial canal.
Decal is spending upwards of €100 ($121)mn and the European Commission is contributing €18.5mn under its Connecting Europe Facility.
LNG will arrive at Venice LNG storage terminal by small and medium-sized LNG carriers and will be distributed on tank trucks, ISO-tanks and barges. Thanks to LNG, pollutants in the atmosphere and in the waters of the lagoon will be drastically reduced, said Decal subsidiary Venice LNG.
"We are pleased to have reached the authorisation decree, since it confirms the value of our project," said Venice LNG. "Our project went through a long technical-administrative path, involving many authorities and local community too. Now, we are ready to give our contribution to promote the use of LNG, which plays a key role in the energy transition process."