• Natural Gas News

    Los Angeles Times: U.S. gas bonanza from fracking slow to spread globally



Significant deposits of natural gas trapped in coal and shale seams have been identified worldwide however the shale boom does not seem to be spreading outside of the U.S.


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Press Notes

Los Angeles Times: U.S. gas bonanza from fracking slow to spread globally

In less than a generation, the United States has soared to world leadership in extracting natural gas from shale formations by hydraulic fracturing. But as the world debates whether “fracking” is an economic boon or a budding environmental disaster, few foreign countries are following the U.S. lead.

Conditions unique to the United States have encouraged investment in the abundant source of low-carbon energy and boosted prospects for reducing dependence on costly and unpredictable supplies of foreign oil. Of the natural gas consumed in the United States last year, 94% came from domestic production, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  MORE