• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: UK ministers to study Gazprom's North Sea assets deal



BASF is reviving the planned asset swap with Gazprom after it was called off last December. The pair have agreed to complete the deal by the end of this year.


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: UK ministers to study Gazprom's North Sea assets deal

Ministers are to study Gazprom’s deal with BASF that hands the Russian firm assets in the North Sea.

Gazprom is buying 50pc of the North Sea business of BASF subsidiary Wintershall. However, it has yet to gain a “letter of comfort” from the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Such a letter would give Gazprom a basis to gain control of the assets without objections from the UK government. However, the company could face problems if it does not receive one.

“We will examine the detail of this deal to consider its implications, as we do for any deal involving assets within British waters,” the department said.