• Natural Gas News

    This is Money: Shale gas could redraw the economic map of Britain



A British Geological Survey survey on shale gas will show that the country is sitting on a £1.5trillion bubble of shale gas – slightly bigger than the whole of the North Sea reserves.


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Press Notes

This is Money: Shale gas could redraw the economic map of Britain

It is a windfall Governments can only dream about. Out of the blue comes a source of energy worth hundreds of billions of pounds…and it is made in Britain.

At one stroke we are no longer dependent on foreign imports. No longer will the Russians be able to influence us by turning off supplies. No longer will we rely on gas supplies from the war zones of the Middle East or even rich neighbours such as Norway.

Crucially for politicians, soaring gas prices could become a curse of the past as plentiful locally produced supplies of energy maintain a stable price regime, allowing industry – especially those that are energy intensive – the ability to plan and invest with confidence.