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    Reuters: UK grid says Russian pipeline extension to Britain doubtful



Britain's energy network operator National Grid said it doubts that Russian plans to the Nord Stream pipeline due to infrastructure challenges and a weak demand outlook.


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Reuters: UK grid says Russian pipeline extension to Britain doubtful

Britain's energy network operator National Grid said it doubts that Russian plans to extend its Baltic Sea Nord Stream pipeline to Britain will materialise, citing infrastructure challenges and a weak gas demand outlook.

Russia plans to expand its existing Nord Stream pipeline that lands in Germany to Britain, Europe's largest gas consumer which Russia currently does not supply directly.

In its annual publication forecasting the long-term state of Britain's energy market National Grid did not include direct gas flows from Russia to Britain.

"There is a lot of uncertainty," said Peter Parsons, National Grid's Energy Supply Manager, when asked about the project and added that there was already a considerable amount of gas import capacity available in Britain.  MORE