• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Government accused of 'overhyping' shale gas benefits



UK Government accused of using industry figures rather than an independent government-commissioned report that suggested shale benefits could be as little as quarter of that.


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: Government accused of 'overhyping' shale gas benefits

Prime Minister uses fracking industry estimates of up to £10m benefits, failing to mention independent government-commissioned research that it could be just £2.4m

Ministers have been accused of overhyping the potential benefits of shale gas by using fracking industry figures that promise local communities up to £10m in cash – ignoring an independent government-commissioned report that suggested it could be as little as quarter of that.

Shale gas companies have promised they will pay local communities £100,000 up front for each exploratory well that is fracked, and then 1pc of any revenues from shale gas drilling.

The companies claim this could be worth £5m to £10m over the lifetime of a fracking site - likely to be at least 10 years. This is based on a report by the Institute of Directors, sponsored by fracking firm Cuadrilla.  MORE