• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Shale gas lobbyist urges UK companies to publicly disclose use of all chemicals



Revamped UK Onshore Operators Group says voluntary guidelines will help industry show it can 'access shale in an environmentally sensitive but also economic way'


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The Guardian: Shale gas lobbyist urges UK companies to publicly disclose use of all chemicals

A revamped lobby group for the British shale gas industry has responded to concerns over controversial drilling techniques by drawing up a set of guidelines encouraging companies to disclose all the chemicals they use in the fracking of wells.

The United Kingdom Onshore Operators Group (UKOOG) admits the rules are not binding but should act as a measure of "good practice" for explorers who have just had a fracking moratorium lifted by government, despite protests from the environmental movement.

Ken Cronin, a former public relations executive and the newly installed chief executive of UKOOG, said the shale gas guidelines were part of a wider bid to reassure the public about the safety of fracking.

"We have a very significant source of resources in the ground and it is important that the industry works with all stakeholders to show it can access shale in an environmentally sensitive but also economic way," he said.  MORE