• Natural Gas News

    Azer News: Turkish offer on TANAP, ideal for Turkmenistan, expert says



The timing of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's offer to include Turkmenistan as a supplier to the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline project

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Azer News: Turkish offer on TANAP, ideal for Turkmenistan, expert says

The timing of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's offer to include Turkmenistan as a supplier to the Trans-Anatolian (TANAP) gas pipeline project was ideal for the Central Asian country, expert Bruce Pannier believes.

“Two of Turkmenistan's gas customers – Iran and Russia – are cutting back imports from Turkmenistan and there could be a day soon when neither country will want any gas from Turkmenistan,” the expert on Central Asia and Senior Correspondent at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty told Azernews on November 11.

“That leaves China as the only reliable customer for Turkmen gas since the TAPI project is unlikely to be launched any time soon, if ever.”

Last week, Erdogan, who was on an official visit in Ashgabat said the TANAP project could also count on supply of Turkmen gas to Europe.