• Natural Gas News

    Turkish Imports Fall in 2016


Turkey cut its imports of both pipeline gas and LNG in 2016, according to the latest statistics from the energy regulator

by: William Powell

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Corporate, Import/Export, Political, Regulation, Infrastructure, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), , News By Country, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, Turkey

Turkish Imports Fall in 2016

(Corrects dates in table)

Turkey cut its imports of both pipeline gas and LNG in 2016, according to the latest statistics from the energy market regulatory authority (EMRA), part of the energy ministry. 

Total pipeline gas imports fell by 983mn m³ in 2016 year-on-year, while the LNG imports fell by 654mn m³. In total Turkey imported 1.637bn m³ less gas the year, compared with the previous year.

Turkey's imports by source (bn m³)

Source 2015 2016
Azerbaijan 6,171 6,478
Iran 7,726 7,703
Russia 26,779 24,537
Total pipeline 40,675 39,692
LNG 8,180 7,525
Total  48,885 47,218

(Source: EMRA)

Among Turkey’s pipeline gas suppliers, only Azerbaijan increased deliveries, while Russia cut exports by 2.242bn m³ in 2016. It suspended some deliveries during a dispute over the price.


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