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    World Bulletin: Turkish Cypriot PM: Cyprus gas must be shared fairly



The prime minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus said that gas findings should be shared fairly between Turkish and Greek Cypriots.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

World Bulletin: Turkish Cypriot PM: Cyprus gas must be shared fairly

The revenue from the natural gas findings belongs to the island as a whole, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Prime Minister Ozkan Yorgancioglu said in an interview.

"They want to make use of the gas until the Cyprus question is resolved, but want us benefit from it after the solution of the question," Yorgancioglu said about the Greek attitude on the subject.

"This is unacceptable because once they benefit the gas revenue, they might be unwilling to look for a solution," he told Anadolu Agency.

Yorgancioglu said the question of healing the island’s division should be resolved first and the revenue should be shared fairly after that.