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    AzerNews: Turkey's tripartite initiative important for solution to Caspian dispute between Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan: expert



Turkey's intention to create a new tripartite format among Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan is to establish closer relations with regional countries and will be important for the dispute between Azerbaijan.


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AzerNews: Turkey's tripartite initiative important for solution to Caspian dispute between Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan: expert

Experts believe that Turkey's intention to create a new tripartite format among Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan is aimed to deepen close interaction between the nations.

Head of Center for International Strategy and Security Studies, Turkish expert Dr. Mehmet Seyfettin Erol thinks that the new format is primarily directed to deepen regional stability and cooperation.

"Turkey's intention is aimed to pursue more active policy in Caucasus, Caspian region and Middle Asia, as well as to continue its energy projects (terminal country and creation of energy market) and to establish closer relations with regional countries," he told Azernews.

Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan intend to create a tripartite format of relationship, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said as part of the 20th meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting on December 6, Turkish Axsam newspaper reported.

There are currently Azerbaijan-Turkey-Iran and Azerbaijan-Turkey-Georgia tripartite formats. The foreign ministers of these countries annually meet in these formats.  

Erol believes that another importance of this format is Turkey's wish to play more active role in resolving the dispute between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan over the Caspian Sea.

"Disputes over the Caspian Sea will become international and international requirements will increase in the subsequent years," he added.  MORE