• Natural Gas News

    Trend: EU prepares way for Turkmen gas supplies



EU focuses on imports of natural gas from the Caspian region, particularly, from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, to provide supply security and diversification


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Press Notes

Trend: EU prepares way for Turkmen gas supplies

As it is known, the EU focuses on imports of natural gas from the Caspian region, particularly, from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, in the medium term.

The work over the Trans-Caspian pipeline has recently intensified, which can be a part of the Southern Gas Corridor. The matter rests in laying the pipe through the Caspian Sea from the city of Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan to the city of Sangachal on the coast of the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan.

The EU is obviously seeking to reduce its dependence on Russia in the energy supplies. Here, Turkmenistan's Caspian gas supply to Europe will significantly help.

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