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    Oil and Gas Eurasia: TOTAL VP Reiterates position against sanctions on Russia



TOTAL SVP Kristoffersen on the importance of addressing Europe’s gas supply amidst the current crisis between Russia and Ukraine


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Press Notes

Oil and Gas Eurasia: TOTAL VP Reiterates position against sanctions on Russia

TOTAL Senior Vice President on Strategy and Business Intelligence, Mrs. Helle Kristoffersen, stressed the importance of addressing Europe’s gas supply amidst the current crisis between Russia and Ukraine, speaking on the session panel on Global Energy Security, Supply and Demand at the Abu-Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference on November 12, 2014.

Kristoffersen said energy security has been long neglected on the European energy agenda and gas security takes high priority among strategic issues in Europe now. One-third of Europe’s gas comes from Russia and 50 per cent of this volume comes in transit via Ukraine.

“There is a huge risk of collective damage for Europe if the crisis between Ukraine and Russia should get worse”, -stated the Vice President.

Kristoffersen shared with the audience a presentation of a theoretical scenario of actions that Europe could resort to should Ukraine interrupt Russian gas transit.