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    Businessweek: Total Seeks Alternatives for Russian Project on Sanctions



Total SA (FP) wants to have alternative financing by the middle of next year for a $27 billion Russian natural gas project

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Businessweek: Total Seeks Alternatives for Russian Project on Sanctions

Total SA (FP) wants to have alternative financing by the middle of next year for a $27 billion Russian natural gas project, continuing its former CEO’s support for developing energy production in the country despite international sanctions.

“We are putting in place financing in other currencies, mostly by Chinese and Russian lenders, and export credit agencies which are mostly European but not only,” Patrick de La Chevardiere, chief financial officer of the Paris-based company, said on a conference call. “We are targeting by June 2015.”

Total, which holds 20 percent of the Yamal liquefied natural gas project, is no longer counting on production starting in 2017 as originally planned. China National Petroleum Corp. owns a 20 percent stake, while the Russian company OAO Novatek holds a 60 percent share.