• Natural Gas News

    Azer News: TAPI project, vehicle for Asian blue fuel



TAPI, designed to originate from gas-rich Turkmenistan, is seen as an alluring route for transporting 'blue fuel' from Central to South of Asia.

by: Sruthi

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Azer News: TAPI project, vehicle for Asian blue fuel

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline project which is designed to originate from gas-rich Turkmenistan is seen as an alluring route for transporting 'blue fuel' from Central to South of Asia.

Media reports about Uzbekistan's intention to join the TAPI to export its natural gas have been met with interest, even making some cynics to start believing in the success of the project.

Sureyya Yigit, a lecturer at Istanbul Aydin University thinks Uzbekistan's joining the TAPI project would add impetus to getting the project off the ground, but Tashkent's chances for joining the route are extremely low.

"In fact, the original idea of TAPI is by no means guaranteed despite the recent media hype about the meetings and agreements. There is still no consortium leader. Neither ExxonMobil nor Chevron has taken this crucial role," he told Azernews.