• Natural Gas News

    Guardian: Shale gas potential for UK overhyped, says Ed Davey



Ed Davey: shale gas from fracking could make difference to UK energy picture, but 'perhaps not as big a difference as some sections of the press would have me believe'


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Press Notes

Guardian: Shale gas potential for UK overhyped, says Ed Davey

Energy and climate change secretary Ed Davey has challenged a series of "myths" attached to the government's Energy Bill, arguing the controversial reforms are not a disguised nuclear subsidy and have not been made unnecessary by the discovery of European shale gas deposits.

Speaking at a CBI event yesterday evening, Davey tackled a series of criticisms that have been levelled at the Energy Bill, and, in comments that will be interpreted as a direct challenge to some of his Conservative colleagues in the coalition, he rejected suggestions the UK should water down the proposed reforms and instead focus on boosting gas capacity.

Davey said one of the myths he wants to "knock down" is that "our reforms are unnecessary, because a global glut of cheap gas will solve our investment and carbon problems".  MORE