• Natural Gas News

    This is Cornwall: Shale gas offers opportunity to cut bills and boost jobs



Britain, which is dependent upon costly gas imports and is concerned about the security of its energy supply, has need for a similar shale gas boom to stimulate the economy and get the country back to work.


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Press Notes

This is Cornwall: Shale gas offers opportunity to cut bills and boost jobs

In his State of the Union address to the nation, President Obama reassured the American people that they would have an energy-secure future. He informed them it was intended to go "hell for leather" in the exploitation of national shale gas resources which would guarantee US energy security for decades to come and help create 600,000 new jobs. Already production of shale gas has enabled the USA to cut all imports of liquefied natural gas, particularly from the Middle East. It is estimated that shale gas will meet half of USA gas demands within 15 to 20 years.

Shale gas is to be found in underground reservoirs extending for thousands of square kilometres throughout the world. There are estimated to be worldwide reserves of shale gas, equivalent to 3 trillion barrels of oil. According to the International Energy Agency, based on current demand, there are only 60 years of worldwide reserves of natural gas. However, the availability of shale gas will extend gas reserves to more than 250 years.  MORE