• Natural Gas News

    Carnegie Europe: What U.S. Shale Gas Means for European Industry



In Europe the shale gas revolution is having an impact on energy prices, competitiveness, and the environment.


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Press Notes

Carnegie Europe: What U.S. Shale Gas Means for European Industry

Supporters of the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) never tire of enthusing about the many economic opportunities that an accord would bring.

The idea of a transatlantic “internal market” is so exciting that some analysts even rave about the creation of a new Western liberal order—and the immense geopolitical consequences that would have.

Yet there is also a real danger that the TTIP could prove detrimental to Europe, due to the widening energy gap between the United States and Europe. If all trade barriers were abolished, manufacturers would no longer need to own factories in Europe to ensure market access. Investment could shift toward the United States to take advantage of better manufacturing conditions there.  MORE