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    BP: Shah Deniz-2 Competition Still Open



BP chief executive for refining and marketing Iain Conn has said that there are only two pipeline options in consideration for the Shah Deniz-2 project's central European delivery: the South East Europe Pipeline and the Nabucco West pipeline


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Azerbaijan, , Nabucco/Nabucco West Pipeline, South East Europe Pipeline (SEEP)

BP: Shah Deniz-2 Competition Still Open

BP chief executive for refining and marketing Iain Conn has said that there are only two pipeline options in consideration for the Shah Deniz-2 project's central European delivery: the South East Europe Pipeline and the Nabucco West pipeline.

In a speech published on the company's website today, Mr. Conn said that the company was considering the revised plan of the Nabucco project, the Nabucco West project. The South East Europe Pipeline (SEEP) was the other competitor for the route and was also in consideration, he said.

However, Mr. Conn said that who the successful candidate would be was in no way a foregone conclusion, with neither project at an advanatge over the other currently.

"I should emphasize again that all of these options have strategic value and offer the necessary scope for scalability as future gas supplies become available," he said.

"There is no pre-determined winner, the competition is fully open and there is still everything to play for."

A decision on the the successful pipeline for the central European route would be made next month, he said, with a Final Investment Decision (FID) expected for June 2013. The successful candiate for the south-eastern route would also be decided next month. 

BP is leading the consortium on the second stage of the Azerbaijani Shah Deniz field. The project is essential to the Southern Gas Corridor, Mr. Conn said today, and would be key to "kicking off" its development.