• Natural Gas News

    Seneca Resources earns certification of Appalachian output


EO100 certification covers 100% of Seneca's Appalachian basin production

by: Dale Lunan

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, United States, News By Country

Seneca Resources earns certification of Appalachian output

Seneca Resources, the upstream arm of National Fuel Gas Co, said January 11 it had earned EO100™ certification from Equitable Origin for its more than 1bn ft3/day of production from the Appalachian basin.

Seneca is the latest US producer to gain certification from Equitable Origin, joining the likes of Northeast Natural Energy and Chesapeake Energy.

“We will continue to embrace new technologies and implement best practices in order to remain on the leading edge of the industry’s sustainability initiatives,” Seneca president Justin Loweth said. “In addition, as we look ahead, we expect the certification of Seneca’s entire Appalachian natural gas base will differentiate our responsibly-sourced, low methane-intensity production with end-users and commercial markets.”