• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Schlumberger's clever frack takes aim at gas costs



Schlumberger's proprietary system called Hiway is a new technique that could decrase production costs of natural gas from unconventional fields as it requires less of the the three major components: water, sand and transport


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Press Notes

Reuters: Schlumberger's clever frack takes aim at gas costs

Production costs of natural gas from unconventional fields could tumble in the United States if a new technique developed by Schlumberger lives up to its billing.

The world's largest oilfield services company by market value and others working in the industry have suffered this year because the runaway success of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling techniques to extract so-called unconventional gas has created a glut and caused a price slide.

But using a proprietary system called Hiway that only became commercially viable last year, Schlumberger's fracker in chief believes he has knocked a lump out of the infant industry's three major cost components; water, sand, and trucks.  MORE