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    Bloomberg: Sarkozy Condemns Offshore Oil Drilling Plans in Mediterranean



Nicolas Sarkozy reiterated remarks made yesterday in Caen against Mediterranean drilling for oil and gas near the Calanques cliffs, a popular tourist spot near Marseille


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Bloomberg: Sarkozy Condemns Offshore Oil Drilling Plans in Mediterranean

French President Nicolas Sarkozy condemned oil and natural gas exploration in the French Mediterranean as protesters prepared to march tomorrow against a drilling plan.

“It’s a crazy idea, go and look for oil somewhere else if there is some,” Sarkozy said in a campaign speech today in Saint-Raphael, a resort on the southern French Riviera. “I want to protect our scenery, it’s part of our identity.”

Sarkozy, who is seeking re-election in a two-round vote April 22 and May 6, reiterated remarks made yesterday in Caen against Mediterranean drilling near the Calanques cliffs, a popular tourist spot near Marseille.  MORE