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    Russian President Criticises Third Energy Package at G20



Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has again criticised the EU Third Energy Package, this time at the G20 summit in Cannes yesterday.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Russia

Russian President Criticises Third Energy Package at G20

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has again criticised the EU Third Energy Package, this time at the G20 summit in Cannes yesterday.

President Medvedev said that Russia was more concerned with "the predictability of the energy market rather than fuel prices." He further said that the energy package was frustrating relations with consumers, and causing confusion and "misunderstandings between producers and consumers."

"Russia as a supplier of oil and gas must behave responsibly, must act transparently and clearly," he said. "At the same time, E.U. authorities must make decisions, which are to be correctly expounded, and not to destroy what has been created over the last 20–30 years."

The Third Energy Package has been the subject of contention between Russia and the EU ever since it was introduced in 2009. 

Less than two weeks ago, Russian Deputy Energy Minister Anatoly Yanovsky warned that Russia would be forced to switch its attentions to the Asian energy market if a resolution could not be found.

"We think that some terms of the third package contradict international obligations between Russia and the European Commission and agreements on investment security, which were signed between Russia and many EU members," he said.
"Of course, in such conditions we will review our general scheme for development of the gas industry. The aim will be diversification of gas supply routes, including the delivery to Asian-Pacific countries such as Korea, China."

"We think that some terms of the third package contradict international obligations between Russia and the European Commission and agreements on investment security, which were signed between Russia and many EU members," he said.

"Of course, in such conditions we will review our general scheme for development of the gas industry. The aim will be diversification of gas supply routes, including the delivery to Asian-Pacific countries such as Korea, China."

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has also said that the EU is deliberately trying to force down the price of Russian gas supply.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia was already taking steps to enforce its own energy rules. This included the planned adoption of an energy safety convention.