• Natural Gas News

    Voice of Russia: Russian-led 'gas OPEC' may emerge soon



Russia may be silently preparing a counter-move against the US with the help of a former American ally Qatar

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Voice of Russia: Russian-led 'gas OPEC' may emerge soon

John McCain, channeling America's inner Mr. Hyde, has repeatedly stated that “the strategy of the US must be built in opposition to Russia's gas strategy, as this will be the end of Putin and his empire". Barack Obama promised to kick Gazprom out of Europe with American shale gas exports. However, there are hints that Russia may be silently preparing a countermove against the US with the help of a former American ally.

Qatar is generally considered a staunch supporter of Washington's foreign policy but America's plans to flood the global energy market with cheap LNG is a direct threat to the vital interests of Doha. Without the profits from gas exports, Qatar will have to give up on its plans for regional dominance and will even have a hard time surviving in the bitter struggle against its eternal rival, the Saudi Arabia.

Willingly or not, Washington is now threatening to destroy the fundamental premise of Doha's prosperity and influence. Guided by the principles of realpolitik, Qatar's leaders are looking to forge new alliances in order to preserve its gas empire. There is no better reason for a strong friendship than having a strong common foe. After Washington shot itself in the foot by alienating both Moscow and Beijing, thus helping forge a strong alliance between Russia and China, Obama is now on the verge of unwittingly creating a global natural gas cartel.