• Natural Gas News

    Tass: Russia Is Capable of Meeting All Japan’s Demands for LNG — Rosneft CEO



CEO of Rosneft Igor Sechin says that Russia can supply all of Japan's liquefied natural gas needs

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Tass: Russia Is Capable of Meeting All Japan’s Demands for LNG — Rosneft CEO

Russia is ready and capable of meeting all Japan’s demands for the liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the account of available resources, Chief Executive Officer of Russia’s Rosneft Igor Sechin said on Friday.

"Gas resources are available and we are ready to satisfy all Japan’s gas demands on the account of our resources," Sechin said. "Certainly, this will require construction of relevant infrastructure and investments into production," he added. There is a need to set up "vertically integrated chains where all partners will understand their role, investment performance, and where everything will be transparent," Rosneft CEO said.

Read the full article HERE.