• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Gazprom adjusts gas prices for European companies



Russian gas prices adjusted "in line with gas market development"; Gazprom had already reduced price for clients in Europe; Sinergie Italiane says price reduction "significant"


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Reuters: Gazprom adjusts gas prices for European companies

Russian natural gas producer Gazprom said on Tuesday it had revised gas prices for several European companies as it seeks to keep its market share in face of weakening fuel demand due to economic difficulties in the region.

It said it has "adjusted" contracts with France's GDF Suez, German's Wingas, Slovakia's dominant gas provider SPP, Sinergie Italiane and Austria's EconGas.

Gazprom spokesmen declined to say that it was an outright price reduction for its clients, but a source close to talks between the Russian company and Sinergie Italiane said the prices have been revised down "significantly".

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