• Natural Gas News

    Poland-Slovakia Link Calls for Bids



Promoters of a planned cross-border gas interconnector, Polish Gaz System and Slovak Eustream, last week launched the binding open season for capacity either way.

by: William Powell

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Corporate, Import/Export, Infrastructure, , Poland, Qatar, Slovakia

Poland-Slovakia Link Calls for Bids

Promoters of a planned cross-border gas interconnector, Polish Gaz System and Slovak Eustream, last week launched the binding open season for capacity in either direction. The firm bids will test the actual demand for capacity as bidders will have ship-or-pay contracts with the operator, guaranteeing it a steady stream of revenue.

The 158-km line links the Slovak-Ukraine border point of Velke Kapusany to the Strachocina compressor station in Poland. The line will be able to carry 5.7bn m³/yr from Slovakia to Poland and 4.7bn m³/yr the other way. Commissioning is expected in 2020. 

Last November the European Commission defined the line as a ‘project of common interest,' ensuring that funding is available.

Part of the Eustream system (Credit: Eustream)

The sponsors argue it will ensure the diversification of sources, routes and stability of gas supplies to both countries and enhance the competitiveness of the internal gas market. Polish market participants will be able to access the so-called Southern Gas Corridor, carrying gas from production areas such as the Caspian and the eastern Mediterranean region.

Conversely, Slovak gas market participants will be able to import gas offered on the Polish market, including waterborne imports of liquefied natural gas delivered to Poland's Baltic coast.

They say overall the project will significantly increase energy security in the whole central and southern European region, including the Balkans and Ukraine, by widening the range of import options and so cutting their reliance on Russia. 


William Powell