• Natural Gas News

    Shah Deniz-Europe Pipeline Must Have 24 BCM Capacity



President of BP Azerbaijan Rashid Javanshir has said today that whichever pipeline is chosen to transport gas from the Shah Deniz field and other Azeri gas fields to Europe must have a capacity capability of 24 billion cubic metres.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Azerbaijan, , Nabucco/Nabucco West Pipeline, South East Europe Pipeline (SEEP)

Shah Deniz-Europe Pipeline Must Have 24 BCM Capacity

President of BP Azerbaijan Rashid Javanshir has said today that whichever pipeline is chosen to transport gas from the Shah Deniz field and other Azeri gas fields to Europe must have a capacity capability of 24 billion cubic metres.

Mr. Javanshir also said that initially six billion cubic metres of gas would be transported to Turkey with an additional ten billion cubic metres to be transported to Europe, the Trend news agency reports.

"[The] Shah Deniz second stage development project is a very important strategic project," Trend reports the president as saying today. "Its mission is to open the Southern gas corridor, which will transport Caspian gas to the European markets.

"Six billion cubic meters of gas from Shah Deniz field second stage development will be delivered to Turkey, and at least ten billion - through Turkey and then to Europe."

Trend also reports that the amended plans for the Nabucco West project were currently under consideration by the company.

"Nabucco has introduced a new concept," he said. "According to it, the gas pipeline may begin from the Turkish-European border. We are currently assessing the project.

"Two projects - Nabucco and SEEP [South East Europe Pipeline] are very interesting. We have created transparent criteria to choose the direction. According to those criteria, the choice will be made."

Separately, APA reports that Mr. Javanshir looked favourably on the South East Europe Pipeline saying it was shorter and more profitable than the Nabucco West pipeline project.

A decision on which pipeline would be chosen to transport the gas would be taken by the middle of this year, he said.