• Natural Gas News

    FT: Pakistan to build $1.5bn Iran pipeline



Pakistan is to go forward with a controversial $1.5bn pipeline to import Iranian gas. A Pakistani official said “A decision has been made that we can’t delay this project for any longer. This is Pakistan’s essential lifeline. We are going ahead with this project.”


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Press Notes

FT: Pakistan to build $1.5bn Iran pipeline

Pakistan has decided to go ahead with a controversial $1.5bn pipeline to import Iranian gas, a senior government official has said, in a move that risks alienating the US.

“A decision has been made that we can’t delay this project for any longer. This is Pakistan’s essential lifeline. We are going ahead with this project,” the official told the Financial Times on Thursday.

Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan’s president, unexpectedly cancelled a trip to Iran at the last minute in December, amid concerns in Islamabad over stiff US opposition to a project considered essential for tackling mounting energy shortages. Some Pakistani officials had expected Mr Zardari to consent to the project during the trip.  MORE