Oz Galilee Measures First Gas at QLD CBM Pilot
Australian Galilee Energy has seen first measured gas flow from its Queensland coalbed methane (CBM) Glenaras Gas Project, with 15-20 million feet3 per day, the company said September 13.
“First measurable gas flows are a major milestone in the Glenaras Gas Project. This pilot continues to exceed expectations and we look forward to seeing the increased drawdown of the coal and gas production ramping up over the ensuring months,” Galilee’s managing director Peter Lansom said.
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The Glenaras project is contained within ATP 2019 (formerly ATP 529) in the western portion of the Galilee Basin. The project has one of the largest remaining uncontracted gas resources on the east coast of Australia, according to the company.
The pilot will be on production for an “extended period” to de-water and lower the pressure in the surrounding coal to achieve a commercial gas flow, Galilee said.
Galilee is focused on creating a mid-tier exploration and production company. Its primary focus is Queensland with its appraising of the Galilee Basin. It intends to add further acreage to its portfolio.