Oz Galilee Flows First Gas from Queensland CBM Pilot
Australian Galilee Energy has announced first gas from its Queensland coalbed methane (CBM) Glenaras pilot programme. The pilot programme involves production testing of two lateral wells, Glenaras 10L and Glenaras 12L, plus a third monitoring well, Glenaras 11L.
“Glenaras 10L is now being redirected through a separator and is producing gas at a rate too small to measure. Glenaras 12L will be redirected through a separator in the coming weeks. Gas rates will continue to increase as fluid levels in the wells are reduced further and more coal area is drawn down below the critical desorption pressure,” Galilee said August 15, adding that the pilot will be on production for an extended period to dewater and lower the pressure in the surrounding coal to achieve a commercial gas flow.
The Glenaras project is contained within ATP 2019 (formerly ATP 529) in the western portion of the Queensland’s Galilee Basin. According to the company, the project has one of the largest remaining uncontracted gas resources on the east coast of Australia.