Norwegian Kalvklumpen Well Spudded
Norwegian Energy Company (Noreco) has announced that it and its partners have spudded the Kalvklumpen exploration well in the Norwegian North Sea.
Exploration well 25/6-4 S, which is drilled as part of PL414 licence, is being drilled with the the Songa Delta rig. Noreco is drilling the well with its partners in the project, operator Det norske oljeselskap (40 per cent), Faroe Petroleum Norway (20 per cent) and Bayerngas Norway (20 per cent). Noreco holds a 20 per cent stake in the project.
Noreco says the well will be drilled in the central part of the Norwegian North Sea.
The Kalvklumpen prospect is located near to other prospective fields, the Frøy field and the Heimdal gas field. Kalvklumpen is 25 kilometres southeast of the Frøy field, and is 37 kilometres northeast of the Heimdal gas field.