• Natural Gas News

    Norway's resources equal '19 Sverdrups': NPD


The resources are scattered across the shelf and barely half are proven.

by: William Powell

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Premium, Corporate, Exploration & Production, News By Country, Norway

Norway's resources equal '19 Sverdrups': NPD

There are 8bn m³ of oil equivalent left to produce on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), the upstream regulator NPD said in a February 17 report. "This corresponds to around 19 times the volume that will be produced from the Johan Sverdrup field in the North Sea," it said.

But the resources are scattered across the shelf and barely half – 4.2bn m³ or 52% – are proven. 

According to the NPD's director of analysis and data management, 49% of the resources, or 7.8bn m³, have already been sold and delivered. Production on the Norwegian shelf in 2020 was 229mn m³.

A standard cubic metre of oil is equal to 6.29 barrels or 0.84 metric tons of oil; or 1,000 m³ of gas.