Natural Gas News The Independent: Ukraine crisis EXCLUSIVE: US and Europe planning to ‘cut off’ Russia’s gas supply May 9, 2014 12:00:pm
Natural Gas News AzerNews: Siemens to supply power supply systems for Shah Deniz May 9, 2014 11:59:am
Natural Gas News Reuters: Statoil head says no worry about European gas supply amid crisis May 9, 2014 11:53:am
Natural Gas News Reuters: Floating LNG is Australia's future, but not a miracle cost cure May 9, 2014 8:00:am
Natural Gas News Tasnim: Europeans in Talks with Tehran over Gas Imports from Iran May 8, 2014 12:54:pm
Natural Gas News The Telegraph: Britain needs shale – so it's time to get fracking May 8, 2014 12:10:pm