• Natural Gas News

    FT: MPs push for decarbonisation target



Greens hope amendment to UK energy bill will udnermine chancellor's plans to keep gas at centre of UK energy generation.


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FT: MPs push for decarbonisation target

Ministers would have to introduce a contentious decarbonisation target for the power industry by April next year under an amendment to the energy bill tabled by Conservative and Labour MPs.

Green groups hope the amendment from Tim Yeo, the Conservative chairman of the Commons energy and climate change committee, and Labour’s Barry Gardiner will undermine the chancellor’s plans to keep gas at the centre of UK energy generation.

George Osborne is wary of a decarbonisation target, but it is supported by the energy secretary – Liberal Democrat Ed Davey. The two came to a compromise last year that involved delaying a decision on the subject until 2016.

But the new amendment to the energy bill – now going through parliament – would require the government to set a 2030 target for the power industry by April next year.  MORE