• Natural Gas News

    Dow Jones: Major UK Investor Pressures Shale Gas Industry On Emissions



Scottish Widows Investment Partnership warned the fast growing shale gas industry to do more to prevent the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane during drilling, which is undermining its basis as a cleaner alternative to coal


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Press Notes

Dow Jones: Major UK Investor Pressures Shale Gas Industry On Emissions

One of Europe's largest institutional investors, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership, Wednesday warned the fast growing shale gas industry to do more to prevent the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane during drilling, which is undermining its basis as a cleaner alternative to coal.

"By failing to control methane, the gas industry is letting much of the [carbon emissions reduction] benefit of switching from coal to gas slip away," said Craig Mackenzie, head of sustainability at the asset manager. "As a major shareholder in the oil and gas sector, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership wants to see the industry taking rapid action to eliminate methane emissions."  MORE