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    Cyprus Mail: 'No' to linking gas with peace talks



The Cyprus government would not agree to any process linking the issue of natural gas to peace talks


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Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: 'No' to linking gas with peace talks

The government said on Tuesday it would not agree to any process linking the issue of natural gas to peace talks. “Any proposal to discuss the issue of hydrocarbons prior to a settlement cannot be accepted,” government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said.

“The natural resources of the Republic belong to the state and it goes without saying, as it has been repeatedly affirmed, that following a settlement of the Cyprus issue the Turkish Cypriots will enjoy the benefits arising from… these natural resources.”

While Turkish provocations inside the Exclusive Economic Zone continue, the Greek Cypriot side cannot take part in peace talks, Christodoulides added.

“It is clear,” Christodoulides said, “that the illegal actions of Turkey within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus do not in any way intend to serve the interests of the Turkish Cypriots.” He was speaking after a meeting between President Nicos Anastasiades and party leaders at the Presidential palace.