• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Israeli gas group in talks on pipelines to Turkey, Jordan, Egypt



Unresolved territorial disputes in the eastern Mediterranean regions, including Cyprus and Turkey as well as Israel and Lebanon, may make it difficult for agreement on a pipeline route to Turkey.


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Reuters: Israeli gas group in talks on pipelines to Turkey, Jordan, Egypt

A group of energy companies that discovered large amounts of natural gas off Israel's Mediterranean coast said they were in talks to export the gas to Europe via a pipeline to Turkey.

They are also studying options to export gas to Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority, Avner Oil & Gas said on Tuesday.

"The partners are negotiating with various officials," Avner, one of the partners in the project, said.

A spokesman for Delek Group, the parent company for Avner and for Delek Drilling, said the group - led by Noble Energy - was already in advanced talks with companies in Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority about buying Israeli gas and building pipelines.