• Natural Gas News

    Globes: Yossi Langotsky: Israeli gas export talk is foolish



Industry anf government officials had spirited discussion on the future of Israeli gas exports at the National Economic Council.


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Press Notes

Globes: Yossi Langotsky: Israeli gas export talk is foolish

"The challenge we're faced with is maximum of development of the natural gas reservoirs. All those who say that there is gas, that it's flowing, and that we have time - that's simply wrong," National Economic Council vice-chairman Morris Dorfman said today in a discussion of the gas arrangement at the National Economic Council.

He continued, "The first goal in writing the gas arrangement is developing the reservoirs. Leviathan must be developed, Tamar must be expanded, and Karish and Tanin must also be developed. The second goal, creating competition, comes only after that. We can't create competition tomorrow - only in the medium and long term."

Dorfman said that this time, competition will be real. "This time, the competition will be between reservoirs, not all sorts of games and stratagems requiring the gas companies to compete with each other within the same reservoir," he declared.

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