• Natural Gas News

    India Implementing 14,000 km Gas Pipelines



India is in the process of implementing nearly 14,000 km of pipelines infrastructure

by: Shardul

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India Implementing 14,000 km Gas Pipelines

India is in the process of implementing nearly 14,000 km of pipelines infrastructure. So far, 11,000 km of cross-country gas pipelines have been laid so far for connecting the consumption centers for supply of gas.

The Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas R.P.N. Singh informed the Rajya Sabha that development of pipeline infrastructure is an ongoing process which will progress with increase in demand of natural gas. 

Singh added that India has initiated multi-pronged measures to increase availability of natural gas in the country such as intensification of domestic Exploration & Production (E&P) of coal bed methane, shale gas, gas hydrates.  The government was also looking at striking deals for import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from various countries.

The mister pointed that implementation of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India(TAPI) pipeline and Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) pipeline was also important for the country.