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    Sputnik: Western Anti-Russia Sanctions Threaten EU Energy Security – Rosneft CEO



Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin says sanctions imposed by the West on Russia over the Ukrainian conflict pose danger to the European Union’s energy security.


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Press Notes

Sputnik: Western Anti-Russia Sanctions Threaten EU Energy Security – Rosneft CEO

The sanctions imposed by the West on Russia over the Ukrainian conflict pose danger to the European Union’s energy security, Russian oil giant Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin said in an article published by Financial Times.

“In the long term, sanctions against Russia endanger Europe’s security of supply,” Sechin wrote, adding that the sanctions the West have imposed on Iran “affect oil supplies and trade balances.”

The relations between Russia and the West have deteriorated significantly over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Having accused Moscow of meddling in Ukraine’s internal affairs – a claim Russian authorities repeatedly denied – the European Union, the United States and their allies have adopted several rounds of restrictions targeting Russia’s economy and specifically its energy sector.

Read the full article HERE