• Natural Gas News

    Daily Wales: Fracking company mocks Welsh Gov’s inability to stop them



Igas says no moratorium in place: Welsh Government can refuse applications on planning grounds, but they have no power to stop fracking


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Daily Wales: Fracking company mocks Welsh Gov’s inability to stop them

IGas Energy responded after a motion was passed at the Welsh Assembly this week, declaring the Welsh Government’s opposition to fracking.

An IGas spokesman told the Daily Post:

“Nothing has changed in our plans to test drill for underground gas in Wrexham, which we will be continuing with.

“And if we were to put in a planning application in the future, which is rejected by Wrexham council, the appeal would go to the Welsh Secretary, which comes under Westminster, not the Welsh Government.

“The decision by the Welsh Government was not a moratorium, they can refuse applications on planning grounds, but they have no power to stop fracking.”

Read the full article HERE