• Natural Gas News

    The Slovak Spectator: Gas Transport Via Slovakia Shrank in 2014



Slovakian gas transmission company Eustream dropped its transit volume levels to 46.5 billion cubic metres in 2014 from 58.5 billion bcm in 2013

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The Slovak Spectator: Gas Transport Via Slovakia Shrank in 2014

The gas transmission company Eustream transported 46.5 billion cubic metres of natural gas last year, a drop from 58.5 billion transported in 2013.

This means that its capacity was used at about one half.  

“The transport network of Eustream makes up a reliable part of the international transition network transporting natural gas onto the European gas market,” the Slovak Office for the Regulation of Network Industries (ÚRSO) wrote in its annual report as cited by the TASR newswire.

Read the full article HERE.