• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Fracking makes waves in Lancashire



Anti-fracking protesters gathered at a golf championship to voice concern regarding fracking. A ban or at least a moratorium on the controversial process is being called for by the group as Cuadrilla Resources is test drilling four sites in Lancashire.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Fracking makes waves in Lancashire

First there was an earthquake. Then explosions boomed across the rolling Lancashire countryside. And that was before any shale gas had been commercially exploited. It is not surprising, therefore, that fracking has proved controversial along the retirement belt of the Fylde peninsula and Ribble Valley.

With the Open Golf Championship at Royal Lytham and St Annes under way, around 150 anti-fracking protestors took advantage of media attention to hold a “gathering on the green” on Wednesday – not on the course, but on the seafront at Lytham.  MORE