• Natural Gas News

    ICIS: EGM Comment - Europe's Gas Policies Are Fragmented, But Global Carbon Pricing May Not Solve All Industry's Problems



In a comment piece, ICIS writes that though global carbon pricing would help to drive gas buying over coal, it won't be a boon for all the gas sector's woes

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

ICIS: EGM Comment - Europe's Gas Policies Are Fragmented, But Global Carbon Pricing May Not Solve All Industry's Problems

Gas is enjoying a brief moment in the sun in Europe, its profitability coming neck-and-neck with that of coal thanks to weak demand and low prices.

But the industry is aware that the resurgence could be temporary.

In a letter to the UN in June, a group of six oil and gas majors called for a global carbon price. This could push down demand for coal and favour gas as a companion fuel for renewable generation.

Read the full article HERE.