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    Sputnik: Modernization of Energy Charter Chance to Improve EU-Russia Relations



Adoption of the new Energy Charter declaration will be a great chance to reconsider the European Union's relationship with Russia


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Press Notes

Sputnik: Modernization of Energy Charter Chance to Improve EU-Russia Relations

Adoption of the new Energy Charter declaration will be a great chance to reconsider the European Union's relationship with Russia, Secretary General of Energy Charter Secretariat Urban Rusnak told Sputnik Thursday.

The remark comes prior to the Ministerial Conference on the International Energy Charter in the Netherlands, scheduled for May 20-21. The meeting is expected to result in a political declaration aimed at promoting the modernization of the energy charter and the expansion of the treaty's geographical scope.

"This will be a great opportunity to restart the relationships with Russian Federation on a new basis, which will not create any legal obligation for Russia. It is a signal to participate in energy charter process," Rusnak said at the Energy Security Summit held in Berlin, Germany.

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