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    Polskie Radio: EC energy plans ‘in line with Polish proposal’



European Commission recommendations to increase energy security are “100 percent in line” with Poland’s proposal for a European energy union.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Polskie Radio: EC energy plans ‘in line with Polish proposal’

Prime Minister Tusk tells Polish Radio that European Commission recommendations to increase energy security are “100 percent in line” with Poland’s proposal for a European energy union.

Ahead of an EC conference to be held in Brussels on Wednesday with Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, PM Tusk told Polish Radio that he expects to gain public support for his plan for an energy union.

The move comes as tensions, which mounted in Ukraine earlier this year, prompted the Polish PM to announce a five-point plan which would see the EU buy gas and oil as a single bloc.

The plan also calls for greater interconnectivity between EU member states, introduces the concept of “energy solidarity” and pushes for the diversification of energy sources.