• Natural Gas News

    UPI: Dutch decision to delay shale gas drilling brings mixed reactions



Cuadrilla Resources said it "regretted" the Dutch government decision to delay shale gas. Local communities hailed the decision.


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Press Notes

UPI: Dutch decision to delay shale gas drilling brings mixed reactions

A Dutch government move to delay a decision on allowing shale gas drilling was hailed by local communities but "regretted" by energy boosters.

Netherlands Economic Affairs Minister Henk Kamp announced last week the Cabinet would take 1 1/2 more years to study the potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on the environment before allowing Britain's Cuadrilla Resources to drill test wells in the central province of Flevoland.

In a Wednesday letter to the House of Representatives in The Hague, Kamp said more time is needed to study the entire range of possible shale gas sites in the country before approving the licenses, the Dutch daily Volksrant reported.

"I have listened carefully to the reactions in both the country and in The Hague," he wrote. "Some possible locations for test drilling for shale gas have been identified by companies applying for a license. But I want to be able to evaluate all sites in the Netherlands where drilling is possible.  MORE

Related reading:

Dutch Government: No Test Drills for Shale Gas in the Near Future